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Maritime Hockey League 2018-19 Attendance Graph

This is a graph of the attendance of the Maritime Hockey League for the 2018-19 season. Attendance is based on numbers from a team or league, either released as an official yearly per-game average figure, or compiled into an average from individual boxscore attendance. In some cases when boxscore attendance is unavailable for a small number of games, the attendance is computed omitting the missing games and annotated as approximate. Clicking on a team's bar in the graph will display a graph of that team's attendance across all seasons.
Attendance graph of the MHL for the 2018-19 season
Edmundston Blizzard attendance Yarmouth Mariners attendance Summerside Western Capitals attendance Grand Falls Rapids attendance Campbellton Tigers attendance Miramichi Timberwolves attendance Truro Bearcats attendance St. Stephen County Aces attendance Amherst Ramblers attendance Weeks Crushers attendance South Shore Lumberjacks attendance Valley Wildcats attendance