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Chicago Cardinals/Americans all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Bernie Brophy100001926-19271L1903-08-09Collingwood, ONTMajor League
Mike Brophy1300041926-19271L1905-04-05Collingwood, ONTMinor Pro
Gord Brydson3210313231926-19271C1907-01-03Toronto, ONTMajor League
Bobby Burns33639201926-19271L1905-04-06Gore Bay, ONTMajor League
Art Clarke32415201926-19271L1906-10-30Collingwood, ONTMinor Pro
Stewart Dunning2110121926-19271R1908-10-15Ottawa, ONTMinor Pro
Winston "Bud" Fisher2200001926-19271GBarrie, ONTMinor Pro
Teddy Graham22112231926-19271D1906-06-30Saravak Township, ONTMajor League
Roy "Happy" Lessard2611617211926-19271 Minor Pro
Jack "Pop" McVicar600021926-19271D1904-06-04Renfrew, ONTMajor League
Alfie Moore1200001926-19271G1906-12-01Toronto, ONTMajor League
Gerald Munro1002221926-19271 Major League
Harry Reid22415211926-19271Minor Pro
Jim Seaborn6022101926-19271D1890-03-06Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
Russ Stephenson2730361926-19271 Minor Pro
Ralph "Bouncer" Taylor29415571926-19271D1906-10-02Toronto, ONTMajor League
Marvin "Cyclone" Wentworth348412401926-19271D1905-01-24Grimsby, ONTMajor League

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.