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Timmendorf Strand EC all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Danny Beauregard000002003-20041C1973-09-07Eastman, PQMinor Pro
Andrzey Bieleninik000001997-19981D1956-10-01 European Lower Leagues
Mike Bukowski000001997-19981C1966-03-23Ottawa, ONTEuropean Elite
Erich Dumpis000002003-20041L1979-09-03Riga, LatviaMinor Pro
Sven Gosch000001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Kerry Goulet000001997-19981F1958-04-30European Lower Leagues
Andreas Grigoleit000001997-19981D1971-10-06 European Lower Leagues
Johann Harmstorf000002003-20041European Lower Leagues
Vincent Harmstorf000002003-20041European Lower Leagues
Marcus Klupp000002003-20041D1978-11-27Peissenberg, GermanyEuropean Lower Leagues
Johannes Koglin000002003-20041F1982-02-24European Lower Leagues
Matthias Koglin000002003-20041DEuropean Lower Leagues
Markus Kruetzfeldt000002003-20041D1971-09-14Hamburg, GermanyEuropean Elite
Ulrich Kuhnekath000002003-20041G1972-12-24European Elite
Jury Luetgen000002003-20041F1986-07-11European Lower Leagues
Michael Mai000001997-20042D1967-11-21Luebeck, GermanyEuropean Lower Leagues
Julien Meyer000002003-20041European Lower Leagues
Moritz Meyer000002003-20041F1986-11-11Luebeck, GermanyEuropean Lower Leagues
Ryan Pellaers000001997-19981C1974-02-17Winnipeg, MANEuropean Lower Leagues
Steve Pepin000002003-20041F1965-03-21Sherbrooke, PQMinor Pro
Bryan Phillips000002003-20041C1975-08-21Winnipeg, MANEuropean Lower Leagues
Derek Picklyk000001997-19981C1971-01-04Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
Philipp Rausch000001997-20042G1981-02-01European Lower Leagues
Michael Rentsch000001997-19981D1962-10-18European Lower Leagues
Michael Ritthaler000001997-19981G1971-07-16European Elite
Thorben Saggau000002003-20041F1987-05-07Luebeck, GermanyEuropean Elite
Robert Schaer000001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Gregor Schall000001997-19981GEuropean Lower Leagues
Jan Schumann000001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Jakob Siegeris000001997-19981F1981-07-20 European Lower Leagues
David Stetch000001997-19981R1971-08-08Winnipeg, MANEuropean Lower Leagues
Tilo Strueber000001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Rich Valstar000001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Romano Vukelic000001997-19981D1962-10-08 European Lower Leagues
Christoph Wagner000002003-20041European Lower Leagues
Mike Wehrmann000001997-19981C1958-11-21European Elite
Eike Wenzel000001997-20042F1981-09-04European Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.