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Regina/Brandon Regals all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Keith "Bingo" Allen6901313401955-19561D1923-08-21Saskatoon, SASKMajor League
Doug Bentley072633211955-19561L1916-09-03Delisle, SASKMajor League
Bill Bobenic411201955-19561Minor Pro
Bill Bucyk7021416561955-19561D1933-01-26Drumheller, ALTAMinor Pro
Bob Chorley100001955-19561L1936-06-16Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
Elliot Chorley66183250191955-19561F1931-09-12Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
Gordie Cowan5751015141955-19561L1933-02-03Constance, SASKMinor Pro
Lucien Dechene6800001955-19561G1925-08-17Quebec, PQMinor Pro
Bob Harder200001955-19561Minor Pro
Jim Hay7077141581955-19561D1931-05-15Saskatoon, SASKMajor League
Vic Howe300001955-19561R1929-11-02Saskatoon, SASKMajor League
George Hunchuk15044141955-19561D1927-06-04Moose Jaw, SASKMinor Pro
Norm Johnson69152237531955-19561C1932-11-27Moose Jaw, SASKMajor League
Adolph Kukulowicz67163854381955-19561C1933-04-02Winnipeg, MANMajor League
Bill Kyle66134558441955-19561C1924-12-23Regina, SASKMajor League
Pat Lundy231552041955-19561C1924-05-31Saskatoon, SASKMajor League
Ray Manson69352863221955-19561L1926-12-03St. Boniface, MANMajor League
Lloyd Maxfield100001955-19561C1936-12-23Saskatoon, SASKMinor Pro
Clarence "Curly" Melanchuk13426191955-19561L1935-07-17Oakburn, MANMinor Pro
Jim Nicholl300001955-19561Minor Pro
George Senick66343771711955-19561L1929-09-16Saskatoon, SASKMajor League
Bill Shadlock300001955-19561Minor Pro
Gordon Strate60066641955-19561D1935-05-28Edmonton, ALTAMajor League
Gord Stratton50161733251955-19561R1934-10-05Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
Dale Sweany5881927181955-19561L1932-12-02Miami, MANMinor Pro
Bill Voss100001955-19561L1935-12-27Wilkie, SASKMinor Pro
Murray Wilkie54159241121955-19561L1932-01-05Rodville, SASKMinor Pro

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.